Illuminated in the Glow of Rhythm

A beautiful sculpture that throws beautiful shadows on the wall with detailed copper work. So honored to be selected in The Australian Textile Art Award for this work Illuminated in the Glow of Rhythm. This woven sculpture was seeded when I was staying in a cabin at the top of the mountain in the New England National Park. I watched the sunrise over the spectacular mountain range and it was so incredibly stunning. The looping of the copper wire in the sculpture generates movement that builds a distinctive rhythm, signifying its impact of that connection on our life and how energy flows through spaces and relationships. It touches at places, then opens to build a space between the connection. The tightly woven sections create a rhythm that hums through our senses, magnifying the fragility of the spaces and connections in between – and touches us beyond the physical. The sculpture is using nature as a way to connect with people that goes beyond physical beauty, but touches them in a personal and profound way. Composed using foraged Five Leaf Water vine which is an invasive weed. The intricate and complex weaving of recycled electrical copper wire references the ancient basketry technique of looping. The wire is unwound to individual strands from industrial wire 100s of strands thick. The pigment is handmade from charcoal dust.

Size: 92h x 67w x 25d

Material: Foraged vine, charcoal, recycled electrical copper wire

Sculptural Art by Catriona Pollard – Get in touch for pricing and details.